The Crew’s Calling All Units Downloadable Content

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It has been awhile since I’ve talked about The Crew, but we are less than a day away from some exciting new content for this large open world racer. I think it’s good because it will breath some new life into this game that is now 2 years old.

I talked already about this new content and what it seems kind of similar to and you can read all of that here. I’m definitely excited to try out “Calling All Units” to see what some of these new missions are like and to be the cops for once.

There will be a new line of exotic super cars that can be used in creating a squad or participating in a current chase in the game, according to the official website.

The Crew’s new downloadable content will be released November 29th (tomorrow). I have not seen a price for this content so far, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t cost anything.

If I remember correctly, The Summit cost anywhere from $20 to $30 and so I’m guessing based on that, Calling All Units will be around the same price point. Regardless, I’m still going to get it so I can try it out and see how well it compares to other racing games with similar offerings (I’m looking at you Need For Speed).

For those who have a PC and play games through Steam, I’ve recently seen that it can be pre-ordered for $24.99. There’s also a season pass which gives you access to all content that they’ve already released and upcoming content that costs $24.99.

With the holiday season now in full swing, this is the best time to buy The Crew if you haven’t already. It also can be a great gift for someone who’s especially into open world racing games. GameStop has it going for $29.99 for the PS4 and Best Buy has it for the same price as well.

Remember though, if you’re a member of Best Buy’s Gamers Club, you’ll automatically get 20% off the purchase plus you can use any rewards certificates you may have earned if you’re a rewards member at Best Buy. You really can’t beat that as I’ve used both before on a purchase of a brand new game and I was able to get $20 off of the main price (thanks to a $10 rewards certificate I had).

Other places you might want to take a look at if you want to buy this game are over at Amazon and eBay. They both have lots of good deals and sales going on right now so you might be able to find a copy cheaper than at Best Buy or GameStop.

Wherever you decide to purchase the game, it’ll be great to play especially with Calling All Units. I will definitely post my impressions of the game as soon as I’m able to get it.

As always, check back for new updates on The Crew and other open world games for the PS4 and feel free to post comments.

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