It has been awhile since I’ve posted anything about the latest game that’s coming in the Need For Speed series. There’s a big game conference that is currently underway in Europe and it has included some new info as well as trailers for upcoming games. One of them is a brand new Need For Speed Trailer that was recently released.
The new NFS game that is coming is called Need For Speed Payback which is something I mentioned about here. It has been mentioned that the game will have a deep story that takes place in and around a fictional city called Fortune Valley.
We know that the game will have Fast and Furious type missions and action sequences and we also know that there will be deep car customization that will go even further than what was introduced in the last Need For Speed.
We also know that the police will have a presence in the game, but as far as their scope and how they compare to past Need For Speed titles, that has remained relatively unknown….until now.
This new trailer showcases police in action and they are going to be a MAJOR force to be reckoned with. That’s not to say they were never a challenge in past games in the series, but from the look of things, they’re going to go beyond the challenges they posed in the past.
You’ll definitely want to check out the trailer that I posted below to see what I’m talking about, but it sure looks interesting as it gives us a taste of what to expect from law enforcement in the game.

GameSpot gave a little snipet of information of what the cops will bring in the game. Here’s a little bit of info from their article of what EA is promising of what kinds of things to expect from the police:
“EA released a new trailer that gives an idea of what you can expect when the cops catch sight of you in the game. The company promises that the police will be “more aggressive than ever before,” assisted by better AI that lets them move with greater coordination.”
The article also mentions that some of the tools that law enforcement will be using in the game include, huge armored Rhino type vehicles, spike strips, helicopters, and more. It is also stated that the longer a chase lasts, the greater the chance that they will employ more sophisticated equipment.
I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely curious to see all the different kinds of equipment that is in their arsenal. The game is supposed to be released on November 10th so there is still time for more info to come out about the game before its official release.
I’ve generally always enjoyed the Need For Speed series and so this title will more than likely be added to my collection.
In the meantime, check out the trailer below that is provided from GameSpot’s site. On a side note, Sony has said there is something big that they plan to announce and so speculation on what that is quite high right now. The timing couldn’t be better especially since Microsoft officially started pre-orders for its new 4K gaming system which is the Xbox One X.
Stay tuned as there will definitely be more announcements and I’m sure even more news of some of the upcoming open world games that are currently in development. Enjoy the new Need For Speed trailer!
Totally stoked, this game sounds awesome! I am a huge Need For Speed fan, as a matter of fact its one of the only three or four games I enjoy playing. My all time favorite so far is Need For Speed Most Wanted, can’t wait to see what this one will bring.
Yeah, I’m actually excited to see what this one will bring as well. The trailer looked really cool and the police are going to be a major force to be reckoned with.